On this day in 1152, King Louis VII of France had his marriage to Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine annulled.
King Louis VII, or Louis the Younger, as his daddy was kingy before him, and that dude was called Louis as well. It was a very popular name for Kings of France and members of boy bands back in the day.
Louis VII of France had married his Queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine when he was seventeen. Some say it was out of love of the beautiful young duchess, however, it wasn't. She was rich. Rich beyond the king's wildest dreams.
She came with the fortunes of the Duchy of Aquitaine and her money would put Donald Trump to shame.
However, fast forward fifteen years, and the King and Queen of France hit a stumbling block in the road. Girls. They were all girls. Eleanor couldn't give the King of France a son. Only one thing to do. Get rid of the witch and find another, younger, model to take her place.
Eleanor had actually sought to end the marriage but had been refused by the Pope.
It was after the birth of Louis and Eleanor's second daughter, Alix of France, that Louis had had enough. He needed a male heir. Not these stupid daughters.
The Pope Eugene granted their annulment on the grounds of consanguinity in the fourth degree. Basically, on the grounds the two were related, and marrying someone who is related to you is sick and perverted.
King Louis VII and Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine were third cousins once removed.
Bonus Round
Eleanor of Aquitaine, now free from her marriage with the French King, and missing the royal entrapments she had become accustomed, sought out Henry II of England.
Well, she needed royal protection.
On her travels to Poitiers, Theobald V, Count of Blois, and Geoffrey, Count of Nantes, who were both a couple of Counts, attempted to kidnap de-queen'd Eleanor. They sought to marry her and claim her lands as their own.
She evaded the two Lords of Counts, and as soon as she had arrived in Poitiers, Eleanor sent special envoys to Henry, Duke of Normandy, who would also become the future King of England.
The rest is history.
Eight weeks after her marriage to Louis VII of France had been annulled, she was married to Henry, Duke of Normandy.
As a besides, Eleanor and Henry were more closely related than her and Louis. The new couple were third cousins once removed.
Special Note: It would take another couple of marriages before Louis VII of France had a wife that gave him a male heir.
Also in the news - ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY
On this day in history in 1413, Henry V became King of England.
King Henry V became King of England after his father, Henry IV, died suddenly of not-alive-no-more.
The new King of England was crowned in a magnificent ceremony at Westminster Abbey on the 9th of April. Nothing can compare to the coronation of a medieval king. Apart from the king's eyes. "They flashed from the mildness of a dove's to the brilliance of a lion's."
On this day in history in 1556, Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was burned at the stake, in Oxford.
Thomas Cranmer was the Archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of King Henry VIII, Edward VI, and please not ... Mary-Mother-Of-God-I'm-Going-To-Die.
Check out
On this day in history in 1928, Charles Lindbergh, who flew the first solo trans-Atlantic flight, was presented with the Medal of Honour.
No, wait. Americans don't like the letter "U".
It was the Medal of Honor.
And my spellcheck just blew a fuse.
On this day in history in 1980, Who the heck shot J.R?
Yep, I still have no idea. The episode of Dallas, A House Divided, aired. And had everyone asking the question: Who shot J.R.
On this day in history in 2006, Twitter, the greatest social media site on the internet, is founded, forcing everyone to use less...
Ran out of damned space.
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